Sunday 25 December 2011

Reach For the Star.

 Sekadar mengisi waktu senggangku kala matahari mula berada di ufuk barat dan awan menutupinya. Aku teringat akan cikgu yang pernah mengajarku subjek Bahasa Inggeris ketika aku berada di tingkatan tiga. Perkara yang selalu dilakukan dalam kelas beliau ialah menyanyi takpun menonton video. (aku ingat lagi cerita Prisoner Of Zenda) wakaka.. Okay, what I want to share with all of you are the song that probably you do not know and perhaps will like. Seperti tajuk post ini, maka itulah tajuk lagunya. Oleh yang demikian, Terimalah ;

When the world leaves you feeling blue
you can count on me
 i will be there for you.
When it seems all your hopes and dreams
are a million miles away
 i will reassure you.
We've got to all stick together
good friends are there for each other
never ever forget that i've got you and you got me so...
Reach for the stars
climb every mountain higher.
reach for the stars
follow your heart's desire
reach for the stars
and when that rainbow's shining over you
that's when your dreams will all come true.

Don't believe in all that you've been told
the sky's the limit you can reach your goals.
no one knows just what the future holds
there ain't nothing you can't be
there's a whole world at your feet.
I said reach!
climb every mountain reach!
reach for the moon
follow that rainbow
and your dreams will all come true.
Reach for the stars
climb every mountain higher.
reach for the stars follow your heart's desire
reach for the stars
and when that rainbow's shining over you
that's when your dreams will all come true.


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