Assalamualaikum and hello,
First thing first, I am really sorry for not getting update with my blog lately. Biasa lah, sibuk struggle untuk jaga pointer throughout semester 6 ni, dengan assignment berlambak, lab report and tutorial lagi. (seriously bukan senang beb being an engineering student, huh!)
What I am going to share with you all this time is about my #Internship. So far so good lahh, dah 3 minggu dah pon. Harapnya, mampulah aq bertahan sampai habis.
As I had mentioned before, currently, I enrolled in third year of studies in UPM. So, it is compulsory for me to undergo a 10 weeks internship. Whatttt, 10 weeks??? Don't you think it's a short duration, right?. I feel the same. It becomes a worse scenario when my application to have internship in private companies like SAPURA, Bioexcell n etc are rejected, not to say my result is bad. But then, the main constraint of those companies to accept my application is due to the duration itself. Most of them need at least 4 month ok. Ye lah, mana taknya, orang lain intern 6 bulan, ni aq intern cuma 2 bulan 9 hari. Tolak cuti sabtu, ahad, cuti umum lagi (cuti raya aidilfitri), tinggal lah 50 hari roughly. Tak banyak benda boleh explore within 50 days tu. Even kalau aq jadi HR officer kat sebuah company pon, aq kne consider this matter.
Ok, let me get this straight, I received an offer letter from MARDI about a month ago. FYI, aq intern kat Engineering Research Centre (ERC), MARDI Serdang. Previously, ERC is known as Mechanization and Automation Research Centre, but now da tukar nama (baru tukar bulan 5 haritu as I had been informed by some staff here). Nampak GAH sikit bukan?? hmm, boleh lah.
Next, the very first day of my internship, I have to myself report for duty at Administration office MARDI. It is easy to get here, korang masuk je from main gate tu then go straight about 100m I guess, the office will be on your left side. Ok, the officer yg in-charge internship students ni nama dia En. Zulkefle Mapul, can call him En. Zul. Dia ni sempoi and aq rasa sometimes lawak dia boleh pergi (I mean kelakar).
Masa lapor diri tu, I realized that some of my friends from different faculty also intern here. Most of them, students Major Biology from Faculty of Science. Right after we were all been explained by En. Zul about rules and regulations, we were asked to meet our supervisor at the department where we are placed respectively based on what has been stated in the offer letter. My friends, Cika (forget to introduce earlier) and I straight away went to ERC then. **ERC ni bangunanya paling jauh kot dari Administration office tadi, pendek cerita, kalau jalan kaki tu, berpeluh lah. Nasib baik aq bawa motor.
**BTW, MARDI tak provide elaun. (sedih ah jugak sebenarnya T_T)
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Ini gambar kad yg aq dapat. |
To describe how long actually we had to wait our SV, aq sempat keluar masuk tandas, mingle around this place and baca newspaper. Akhirnya, my SV datang pon. He then invited both of us came to his room. Btw, his name is Encik Muhd Akhtar Bin Mohamad Tahir, a Terengganu-ian and a research officer here.
Had a chit chat between me, Cika and him (of course he told us a bit what MARDI is all about). He did asked my background and experience in engineering field as well. My first impression about him is he may be a person who very seriously on his work (unpredictable lah). He also told us that he specialize in Structural Design as he graduated in Bac of Civil Engineering from Universiti Putra Malaysia as well. (Masa tu, aq dok fikir mesti ramai lagi bekas student UPM yang keja sini). He did mentioned to us that he previously came out with an Innovative Vertical Urban Agriculture product, so called "TUBEPLOT" (aq nampak lah model tu dlm bilik dia). Perhaps, you can now find something about it from Google search engine, hehe.
Well, after done with our conversation in his room, Cika and I straight away were brought by our SV to mingle around ERC and he showed us where we allow to 'lepak'. How grateful I am at that time to see K-Corner (a place like CC, air-conditioned ambient, we can see it is surrounded with green freshly scenery from window, have so comfortable kusyen and chair to sit on, facilitate with balcony where I imagine one day I can spend time for refreshment here.) if compare to my other friends yg terpaksa berpanas bulan2 puasa ni kat kilang, kami kira bernasib baik la. ye dak??.
I think that's all about my first day of internship. My story may not as interesting as yours, tapi aq nak share jugak because someday I know I will look back and read line by line of it (throwback la), perhaps it will be a thing to tell my son and daughter soon.
ok lah, I will update more about my internship later. For those yg teringin nak intern kat sini, jangan malu, jangan sogan,drop any of your enquiries in comment field below.. aq bole ceghita hat mana yang aq tau naa.
**Sorry if there are any grammatical error in my post.
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dari segi kerja-apa yang kamu buat atau apa yg kamu belajar kat sana?